Curious About … Our Path Ahead?

View of Cascade Crest from upper Cady Ridge
View of Cascade Crest from upper Cady Ridge

As we continue to weather the Pandemic, endure climate-change triggered mega-fires, and begin to address injustices on so many fronts within our society, we need respite. We can all turn to nature for rest and healing. Time spent out-of-doors garners our courage and energizes our way forward. For me personally, going to a mountaintop gives me strength to “think global and act locally.” Many Wenatchee Watershed peaks like Cashmere Mountain offer inspiring 360-degree views of our beloved patch of Earth.

View of Mt. Stuart from Cashmere Mountain
View of Mt. Stuart from Cashmere Mountain

We all have a new awareness of how much we depend upon each other as collaborators and team-mates to collectively strive to make our world a better place.  During this stay-at-home time, we can encourage one another to deepen our connections with nature by observation, study, and learning.

Immersion in Nature

Explore the Fall 2020 e-News for ways to bring joyful sustenance to your heart, mind and body. Check out my 2020 series- “Curious About” blogs– created to help us all build new connections with the plants and animals who share our Wenatchee Valley home. By sharing lots of links and ideas, I strive to trigger new life-long learning experiences for all readers. The Wenatchee Naturalist website is designed to be your go-to source to learn about North Central Washington’s animals, plants, habitats, and geology.

Life-long learning is like a map, guiding a hiker along rocky new paths to an unforeseen destination. Like social transformation, hiking in the wilderness is hard, but the view at the end is worth a lot of hard work, sweat, and tears.

Cady Ridge trail's fall colors
Cady Ridge trail’s fall colors