Principles of Birding Code of Ethics Everyone who enjoys birds and birding must always respect wildlife, its environment, and the rights of others. In any conflict of interest between birds and birders, the welfare of the birds and their environment comes first. American Birding Association.
Ethics article: The Proper Use of Playback in Birding
Feathers and the Law. Why we leave feathers where we find them. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Article by Susan Ballinger about backyard bird feeding and citizen science, Show Some Love for Birds.
Article by Susan Ballinger about Anna’s Hummingbirds, a species that is expanding its range, Wenatchee Valley wintering Anna’s Hummingbirds. North Central Washington Audubon Society’s Hummingbird webpage includes a community science monitoring project to document year-round species in North Central Washington. Read Bruce McCammon’s blog posts, “Join the 12/21/22 Anna’s Hummingbird Community Science project and watch a video documenting nesting, “Celebrate the Anna’s Hummingbird”
Guide to Attracting and Feeding Wild Birds. Comprehensive guide to choosing feeder location, foods, maintenance, pests, and predators.
Download Cornell Lab’s “State of the Birds 2022” report and read Cornell Lab’s summary article about the findings, and in this National Audubon Society article.

7 Simple Ways to Help Birds
Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s Sept. 2019 report about the first-ever comprehensive assessment of net population changes in the U.S. and Canada reveals across-the-board declines that scientists call “staggering.” Learn the 7 Simples Ways to Help Birds.
Audubon’s Birds and Climate Change Report. The National Audubon Society has completed a continental analysis of how North America’s birds may respond to future climate change. 9/2014. Report at a Glance FAQ
Read American Bird Conservancy President Michael Parr’s Washington Post Weekly’s editorial (09/29/29 ) We’re losing birds at an alarming rate. We can do something about it.
Effective Window Solutions for Homeowners and Architects. Birds hitting windows is a leading cause of bird death. 6 years of research and testing of 150 products resulted in this list of effective products that reduce collisions.
The Cats Indoors Program educates the public and policy makers about the many benefits to birds, cats, and people when cats are maintained indoors or under an owner’s direct control. In addition to advocating for responsible pet ownership.
Learn how you can take more actions to support birds at American Bird Conservancy.
Whitebark Pine and Clark’s Nutcrackers
Wenatchee Naturalist blog posts, Take Action to Preserve Whitebark Pine, and Forest Foragers of Whitebark Pine Seeds.
The Clark’s Nutcracker Suite: A December, 2022 compiled list of resources to learn about conservation issues around this mutually dependent species pair, compiled by the Whitebark Pine Ecosystem Foundation (WPEF). WPEF is a science-based, non-profit organization promoting the conservation and restoration of whitebark pine and other high-elevation, five-needle white pines in western North America through outreach, research and collaboration.
Soul mates: Nutcrackers, Whitebark Pine, and a Bond that Holds an Ecosystem Together. An article by Gustav Axelson in the Autumn 2015 issue of Living Bird Magazine.

An artist at Cornell Lab of Ornithology created this image of the Clark’s Nutcracker’s ecosystem in the Western U.S. mountains.