Curious About … Osprey?
Osprey are large fish-eating bird-of-prey found not just in Wenatchee, but all around the world. Today’s blog serves to introduce this species, using spectacular shots by local photographer, Frank Cone. T Continue Reading →
Cultivating awareness, understanding, and stewardship of the Wenatchee River region
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Osprey are large fish-eating bird-of-prey found not just in Wenatchee, but all around the world. Today’s blog serves to introduce this species, using spectacular shots by local photographer, Frank Cone. T Continue Reading →
Herpetologist Torsten Watkins explains how to tell rattlesnakes and gopher snakes apart. Continue Reading →
Antelope bitterbrush is blooming in the Wenatchee Foothill’s shrub-steppe. Fragrant yellow blossoms cover each shrub. Rodents and ants cache seeds. Continue Reading →
The American goldfinch are small social resident songbirds active in our neighborhoods. Watch for the lemon yellow male with a black cap and groups of birds flying together, calling “potato chip.” Continue Reading →
When you drink Bird Friendly® certified coffee, you brew a more biodiverse, sustainable world. Using Smithsonian conservation science, the Bird Friendly gold standard does more than other eco-friendly seals to protect habitat, which is often destroyed to make way for coffee growing. Bird Friendly coffees come from farms using a combination of foliage cover, tree height and biodiversity to provide quality habitat for birds and other wildlife. Continue Reading →
Using native plants as home landscaping gardens can result in easy-care, beautiful displays that support native pollinators and use little water. Continue Reading →
Nature journal artist Jane Zanol introduces the practice of nature journaling using common backyard plants, a pen, a pencil, and watercolor paints. Continue Reading →
Leslie Bigos chronicle how starting to do a new exercies daily exercise has brough new joy to her life. Her daily hike became more than just self-improvement; as my fitness improved, I started enjoying how the light changed on Saddle Rock from one day to the next. Continue Reading →
Photographer and Videographer, Brendan Morrison shares tips for using a cell phone to take high quality photographs. Brendan using his own photos to give examples for framing images artistically. Continue Reading →
Washington’s only native deciduous conifer is western larch. Each spring, new needles grow. “Gus” is the champion tree, largest of its species, growing near Seely Lake, Montana Continue Reading →