Curious About … Western Meadowlark?
Western meadowlark males have arrived to the Wenatchee Foothills’ shrub-steppe. They use songs and postures to establish breeding territories. Continue Reading →
Cultivating awareness, understanding, and stewardship of the Wenatchee River region
Western meadowlark males have arrived to the Wenatchee Foothills’ shrub-steppe. They use songs and postures to establish breeding territories. Continue Reading →
What is Wenatchee Outdoors? Our organization is a non-profit 501(c)3 agency focused on being a community hub for local non-profits and businesses related to nature and outdoor recreation. We help you save time to find the trail you are looking for whether that be for mountain biking, hiking, trail running and many more outdoor human powered sports. We have over 700 guidebook posts which you can filter based on ability level, family friendly, dog friendly, handicap accessible and by location. Continue Reading →
Over the last decade, many people in North Central Washington have observed increasing numbers of over-wintering Anna’s Hummingbirds. North Central Washington Audubon Society has launched a community science study project to gather data to help answer questions about Anna’s Hummingbird Continue Reading →
I am thankful for a particular stately sagebrush that I walked by on January snow walks in the Wenatchee Foothills. Each time I arrived, I wondered what lesson this sentinel Continue Reading →
This week’s bitter cold makes staying inside inviting, especially once the sun dips behind the ridge. Winter is a good time for armchair adventuring from the comfort of your own home. The recent Wenatchee Naturalist eNews included this list of sure-to-please films.
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The Wenatchee Naturalist Fall eNews offers ways for you to fill your Nature Prescription to bring joy, learning, and mindfulness to your days. Continue Reading →
Celebrate the 50th Earth Day and 25th National Poetry Month by attending a free event offered to the community by Wenatchee Valley College. Continue Reading →
Welcome to final week of our 10-week challenge, designed to encourage new naturalist discoveries as we continue to practice social distancing and wait for the coming vaccinations! March brings us the first signs of spring, while our mountains are still shining with snow. Try to get outside early when the mud is firm under foot! Continue Reading →
Welcome to Week 9 of our 10-week challenge, designed to encourage new naturalist discoveries as we continue to practice social distancing and wait for the coming vaccinations! March brings us the first signs of spring, while our mountains are still shining with snow. Try to get outside early when the mud is firm under foot! Continue Reading →
Welcome to Week 8 of our 10-week challenge, designed to encourage new naturalist discoveries as we continue to practice social distancing and wait for the coming vaccinations! March brings us the first signs of spring, while our mountains are still shining with snow. Try to get outside early when the mud is firm under foot! Continue Reading →