Wenatchee Naturalist Stories: Chapter 17

Members of the 2019 class shared volunteer projects at our final session. Four people jumped right into community engagement in support of the program mission. Continue Reading →

Art-of-Community features Wenatchee Naturalists

In his Art of Community Wenatchee World Podcast, Rufus Woods explores creative ways to build community.  Earlier this fall, several of us had the chance to visit with him about the Continue Reading →

Register Now for Fall Wenatchee Naturalist Course

Registration is now open for the Fall 12-week Wenatchee Naturalist Course through Wenatchee Valley College Continuing Education Continue Reading →

Announcing the Wenatchee Area Field Guide

The Wenatchee Area Field Guide is light-weight, waterproof, and fits into your pocket. Use to help identify common native plants and animals Continue Reading →

Shrub-steppe Sprouts from a Forgotten Seed Cache

Forgotten seed caches sometimes sprout in the shrub-steppe. Rodents like deer mice, voles, and pocket gophers cache seeds from antelope bitterbrush and lupine that if un-eaten, sprout and grow in to the next generation of plants. Continue Reading →


During the Wenatchee Naturalist course, each participant visits their own field site and makes weekly field journal observations.  At the end of the course, each person creates a presentation, sharing Continue Reading →


Throughout the seasons, the Wenatchee and Columbia River watersheds inspires so many of us with beauty and wonder.  I’m pleased to share three perspectives of Wenatchee Naturalist class members, Jean Continue Reading →