Hiking for Health in the Wenatchee Foothills

Leslie Bigos chronicle how starting to do a new exercies daily exercise has brough new joy to her life. Her daily hike became more than just self-improvement; as my fitness improved, I started enjoying how the light changed on Saddle Rock from one day to the next. Continue Reading →

Curious About … Western Larch Green-Up?

Washington’s only native deciduous conifer is western larch. Each spring, new needles grow. “Gus” is the champion tree, largest of its species, growing near Seely Lake, Montana Continue Reading →

Curious About … Western Skink?

Western Skink are common lizards in North Central Washington. These active little lizards are often characterized by their vibrantly colored blue tail, but this beautiful coloration is partly temporary and fades with age Continue Reading →

Curious About … Northern Flickers?

Northern Flickers are common across North America and using drumming and calling during the breeding season to communicate with mates. Continue Reading →

Traveling Naturalist Program Launched!

Volunteers needed for the Wenatchee River Institute’s Classroom Traveling Naturalist Program. This program serves 4th grade classrooms with high numbers of low-income and minority students across North Central Washington. Curriculum is focused on structure and function in the natural world and occurs in classrooms and on school grounds. Volunteers will work alongside trained instructors. Continue Reading →

Wenatchee Naturalist Stories: Chapter 20

The final group of talented members of the 2019 Wenatchee Naturalist class are all musicians, and their class projects used lyrics, rhythm, and melody to depict new insights about the Wenatchee Watershed. Continue Reading →