Spring beauty Claytonia lanceolata
Portulacaceae Purslane Family
Family ID traits:
- Plants often succulent (fleshy & juicy)
- Sepals usually 2
- Radial symmetry
Habitat: Widely scattered, mid-to-high elevations in open, moist grassy areas often under conifers or shrubs. Often in large patches.
Leaves: A single pair of clasping stem leaves and 1-several lance-shaped basal leaves (sometimes absent). Somewhat fleshy. Largely have underground stalks.
Flowers: 3-15 with short stalks in loose clusters. Petals range from pink to white.
- Flowering stalks have a single pair of stalk-less leaves below the flower.
- flowers: White to pink, often with deep pink veins. 5 petals, 2 sepals. Often in clusters of 3-20 flowers.