Columbia River Exploration

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Field trip description

Columbia River Riparian Exploration from a Bird’s  Eye ViewGary Provo's geese_on_Columbia

We explore riparian and open water habitats along both sides of the Columbia River, along the Apple Capital Loop Trail with a guest bird expert from the North Central Washington Audubon Society and Wenatchee Naturalist Susan Ballinger.  Possible locations include Walla Walla Park, Horan Natural Area, the sand dunes area, and Porter’s Pond, weather and condition dependent.  Featured Audubon Citizen Science projects include the Sagebrush Songbird Survey and Christmas Bird Count.


Logistics Birding the Columbia Field Trip  Field Trip 4 Columbia River

Gary Provo's N. FlickerGuest scientist leaders

North Central Washington Audubon Society Board member

Featured Organizations

North Central Washington Audubon SocietyWenatchee Row and Paddle Club

Community Science Project

WDFW-State Audubon Shrub-steppe Bird survey project

Gary Provo's American wigeonResources