Students in the Wenatchee Naturalist class, over the course of 12 weeks, will learn to identify, identify and describe the characteristics of 100 plants, animals and insects of the Pacific Northwest. Students learn 10 new species per week, identify these species in the field on field trips and through the use of classroom exhibits. See the List of 100 species.
The following links provide information on each species, either by week or by species type:
Learning Aids:
Susan Ballinger has created photo Identification Guides, with key characteristics highlighted, for each of the following taxa:
LEARN 10 Deciduous Trees & Shrubs STUDY SHEETS
LEARN 10 Reptiles & Amphibians STUDY SHEETS
Learn 10 Conifers STUDY SHEETS
Learn 10 Wildflowers STUDY SHEETS
Shrub-steppe food chain species cards
The Wenatchee Area Field Guide is available for purchase in Wenatchee at the the Wenatchee Valley Chamber of Commerce, Pybus Public Market, Wild Birds Unlimited, and at Arlberg Sports and at A Book For All Seasons in Leavenworth. This Chelan-Doulgas Land Turst project was supported by the Wenatchee Naturalist program and Susan Ballinger researched and prepared the content.

Wenatchee Area Field Guide

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