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Coyote pair
Photo by: Lisa Robinson

coyote Canis latrans

Order Carnivore flesh-eating mammals of great diversity in habitat and appearance

Suborder Pinnipedia– mostly marine      and     Suborder Fissipedia– mostly land-living

Suborder Fissipedia

  • long pointed canine teeth
  • 3 incisors on both sides of both jaws
  • a divided foot with 4 toes

Family Canidae Foxes, wolves, coyotes (walk on their toes, have long legs adapted for running, & non-retractable claws. All have bushy tails and well-developed “slicing” cheek teeth)

Size: Males-25 inches tall at shoulder, 20-35 Pounds. Females slightly smaller.

Key ID Features: bushy tail, large pointed ears.

Color:  highly variable- black-brown-gray-rust-tan-to-yellow.

Description: Coyotes are mostly active at night, but can be seen hunting during daylight hours. Coyotes are extremely wary and have excellent sense of smell, with well-developed sense of hearing and sight.

Coyotes are opportunistic omnivores- they eat plants and animals-dead or alive. They hunt small mammals, reptiles, fish, and birds, and eat carrion (dead flesh). In summer, they also eat eat fruits, berries, & grass.

Habitat: Widespread and increasing due to high adaptability to humans

coyote Canis latrans coyote