Grand fir (Abies grandis)
- Needles Scattered singly along the branch, usually in two outward extending rows. Dark green above, lighter below with 2 distinct white stomatal bands (only on underside of needle), variable in length, up to 2 inches long with notched tips.
- Buds: New growing tips are nearly round, yellow-brown and usually resinous.
- Bark: On young trees, light gray with resin blisters. On mature trees, white and smooth at top nad dark gray to purple at base, with linear furrows divided into flat ridges.
- Cones: Stand upright on tree, yellow-green with purple hues when ripe. 2-4 inches long, . Ripen in place with all winged seeds and scales falling away, leaving upright center core in place.
- Form: Large tree with a rounded crown.
- Unique identifier: Needles with notched-tips, variable lengths, and flat-growing in two distinct rows. 2 stomatal bands on underside of needle; none on top.
Fire-ladder, due to low branches
- Two-ranked needles on Grand fir (Abis grandis). Looking down, we can see the brown stem.
- Grand fir (Abies grandis) bark is relatively smooth, ashy-gray, and has resin-filled blisters.