Holodiscus discolor ocean-spray
ROSE Family
Habitat: In open dry forests and clearings, often on sandy or rocky soils at low to subalpine elevations.
Height: 3-12 feet tall
Re-sprouts after wildfire
Stems: clustered and arching upward & outward from base. Bark is gray-red and strongly ridged on young stems.
Flowers: tiny, creamcolored in dense Terminal clusters that persist over winter, Turning brown with age
Leaves: Deciduous, alternate, 1-3 inches long. Broadly triangular with lobed or toothed edges. Hairy on both sides. Dull green
- Oceanspray Holodsicus discolor. Other common names include creambush or ironwood. The very hard wood was used widely by Pacific Northwest Native Americans for digging sticks and shafts for arrows and spears.