Easter Prayer 2022
Such love does the sky now pour, that whenever I stand in a field, I have to wring out the light when I get home. – St. Francis of Assisi Continue Reading →
Cultivating awareness, understanding, and stewardship of the Wenatchee River region
Such love does the sky now pour, that whenever I stand in a field, I have to wring out the light when I get home. – St. Francis of Assisi Continue Reading →
Leslie Bigos chronicle how starting to do a new exercies daily exercise has brough new joy to her life. Her daily hike became more than just self-improvement; as my fitness improved, I started enjoying how the light changed on Saddle Rock from one day to the next. Continue Reading →
Photographer and Videographer, Brendan Morrison shares tips for using a cell phone to take high quality photographs. Brendan using his own photos to give examples for framing images artistically. Continue Reading →
Local historian, Bill Layman, invites us all to a book release party for Red Star Blue Star Defeats Spexman at the museum on December 19th, featuring author and Wenatchi/P’squosa Colville Continue Reading →
Budding herpetologist*, Torsten Watkins, is a 6th grader at Orchard Middle School and he likes to spend his free time seeking out native reptiles and amphibians. He and his Dad Continue Reading →
Last Thursday evening, a group of 12 valley residents gathered at the Saddle Rock Trailhead to take a trip back into time. Chelan-Douglas Land Trust is offering a free, 10-week Continue Reading →
Last summer on July 7, 2014, my husband and I landed in Fairbanks, Alaska after a 10-day wilderness river trip. We turned on our cell phones and found text messages Continue Reading →