Curious About … Yellow Bells?
Yellow bells are one of the early blooming wildflowers in the shrub-steppe. Continue Reading →
Cultivating awareness, understanding, and stewardship of the Wenatchee River region
Yellow bells are one of the early blooming wildflowers in the shrub-steppe. Continue Reading →
Botanists call our region “The Wenatchee Mountains,” that has the highest concentration of endemic plants in Washington. 35 are state-classified as rare plants and 30 more are “just” endemics. Many rare plants are endemic, but not all endemics are rare! Continue Reading →
Snow Douglasii is a Wenatchee Mountain endemic native perennial wildflower that blooms as snow is melting. Continue Reading →
We live in an exciting time where the internet has birthed a new field: Citizen Science. The Oxford English Dictionary recently defined citizen science as “scientific work undertaken by members Continue Reading →
North Central Washington is filled with wildflowers, awaiting discovery. Here is a short list of identification tools you can carry with you into the field. 3 photo field guides in Continue Reading →
The Washington Native Plant Society (WNPS) has recently awarded Wenatchee botanist Pamela Camp with the prestigious Mentzelia Award for her exceptional contributions to the society. The Wenatchee Chapter invites the Continue Reading →
June in the Wenatchee Valley is peak bloom time for many native shrubs that form dense thickets in foothill ravines and alongside streams. Have you caught a whiff of sweet Continue Reading →
Do you wonder at the plants you see while hiking in Washington’s forests and meadows? Would you like to learn about low-maintenance, attractive native plants that attract wildlife, take guided Continue Reading →