Meet our Volunteers and read their stories
Conservation Non-Profit Board Service
Wenatchee Naturalists in the Classroom
Wenatchee Naturalist Program Support
Numbers to Celebrate as of January 1, 2023
12 Wenatchee Naturalist courses offered, 2012-2022
229 Total number Active Wenatchee Naturalists*
50 Teachers (K-college)
132 Have earned a 20+ hour service pin
36 Have also earned a 50+ hour service pin**
53 Have also earned a 100+ hour service pin**
11,234 TOTAL volunteer hours in support of conservation
*Excludes people who have moved away within 2 years of class completion, 3 youth, & 1 deceased
** Volunteer hour tally is kept for two years of course completion.
Each fall, we gather to celebrate the volunteer stories and to award Service Pins to Wenatchee Naturalists. Take a peek at the slideshows:
2020 all-naturalist celebration
2019 all-naturalist celebration,
2018 all-naturalist celebration
2017 all-naturalist celebration
After taking the Wenatchee Naturalist 12-week course, many of the students volunteer in support of local conservation supporting education, stewardship, or citizen science.
Volunteer Pledge
As a Wenatchee Naturalist graduate, I pledge to help foster awareness, understanding, and stewardship of the Wenatchee River region in my community. As a volunteer, I promise to uphold and honor the values presented above in the Wenatchee Naturalist Code of Ethics.
Code of Ethics
Each participant, in striving to meet the Wenatchee Naturalist program mission, pledges to:
- Subscribe to the highest standards of integrity and conduct.
- Promote understanding of, and appreciation for the values of our natural resources.
- Strive to increase personal knowledge and skills while serving as a volunteer.
- Support high standards of education, service and performance.
- Support the use of best scientific practices in education and environmental decisions.
- Support equitable treatment for others engaged in the Wenatchee Naturalist
- Follow established program guidelines and policies while serving as a volunteer.
- Act as a trustworthy and ethical steward of the environment.
Types of Volunteer Service
Each person can choose the type of service that best fits their interests, abilities, and time constraints. During the course, students will be introduced to regional conservation organizations that welcome volunteers. There are six basic areas of service:
- Board Service for a conservation non-profit organization including service as a director or committee member.
- Stewardship of the Land Projects— Natural resource management activities, such as invasive species removal or restoration projects, as a volunteer for a local conservation non-profit or agency.
- Place-based Education Projects—Volunteer teachers for local outdoor or museum education projects for school children, preparing educational materials, or leading hikes.
- Community Science Projects— Volunteers gathering data and returning it via the internet to support research projects. Options include national or locally run projects which will all be introduced during the course.
- Wenatchee Naturalist Program Support— Volunteers assist with website, provide photographs, develop curriculum materials, or assist with program activities
- K-12 Teachers, applying naturalists skills within their classroom.
Annually, service pins are presented to volunteers who complete 20+ hours of service.

100+ hours Gold or 50+ hours Silver pins awarded volunteer service hours performed within two years of course completion
Silver and Gold pins are additionally awarded to volunteers who complete 50+ or 100+ service hours within two years of course completion.