Board Service

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Leadership for local conservation non-profit organizations

Read about the 2022 awardees on this blog post:

Carrie Pruit, Cascade Community Markets

Read about the 2020 awardees on this blog post:

Laura Reichlin, Wenatchee River Institute Board

Monica Maxwell, North Central Washington Audubon Society Board

Betsy Dudash, Sustainable Wenatchee

Read about the 2022 awardees on this blog post:

Clare Morrison, Team Naturaleza

Elisa Lopez, Sustainable Wenatchee

Read about the 2022 awardees on this blog post

Nancy Dunn, Wenatchee Valley Chapter, WA Native Plant Society

Karen Haire, North Central WA Audubon Society




Chelan-Douglas Land Trust Board of Directors:  20+ & 100+ volunteer hours

These Wenatchee Naturalists have served or are currently serving  on the Chelan-Douglas Land Trust Board of Directors: Bob Ogburn (Class of Spring 2012), John Zanol (Class of Fall 2013), Susan Ballinger (program lead), Jack Mynatt (Class of Spring 2012), Bruce Williams (Class of Spring 2012), Suzanne Hartman (Class of Fall 2013).  

Bob Ogburn
Bob Ogburn
John Zanol
John Zanol
Susan Ballinger
Susan Ballinger
Jack Mynatt
Jack Mynatt
Bruce Williams
Bruce Williams
Suzanne Hartman
Suzanne Hartman

Chelan-Douglas Land Trust Board Stewardship Committee 20+ & 100+ volunteer hours

Casey Leigh (Class of Spring, 2014) serves as a volunteer site steward for CDLT’s Entiat River Dill Creek Preserve including weed-pulling and photo monitoring.

Casey Leigh has earned her Wenatchee Naturalist pin for volunteering 100+hours in support of conservation.
Casey Leigh has earned her Wenatchee Naturalist pin for volunteering 100+hours in support of conservation.

Craig Garver- 20+ & 100+ volunteer hours  Class of Spring 2013: 

Serves as a volunteer on the stewardship committee and as a hands-on stewardship worker  for Chelan-Douglas Land Trust. Tasks include monthly meetings, on-site plantings, restoration work, and seasonal backpack weed-spraying on several properties in the Wenatchee Foothills and in the Entiat watershed. 


Chelan-Douglas Land Trust Board Finance Committee 

Gary Provo – 20+ & 50+ & 100+ volunteer hours.  Class of Fall 2014

⦁ Board member, Wenatchee River Institute, serving as Board Vice-president and on the Executive, Strategic Planning, and Fundraising Committees

⦁ Finance Committee Member, Chelan-Douglas Land Trust

Gary Provo has earned his Wenatchee Naturalist pin for volunteering 20+ hours in support of conservation.
Gary Provo
Wenatchee River Institute

Wenatchee River Institute Board of Directors- 50+ & 100+ volunteer hours

After completing the course, these  Wenatchee Naturalists have served or are currently serving on the Wenatchee River Institute Board of Directors:  Laura Reichlin (Class of 2019) Annette Jouard (Class Spring 2012), Gro Buer (Class of Spring 2012), Bruce Williams (Class of Spring 2012), Lisi Ott (Class of Fall 2012), &  Mark Weick (Class of Fall 2012), Gary Provo (Class of Fall 2014), Hillary Clark (Class of Fall 2015).  

Hillary Clark – 20+ & 100+ volunteer hours.  

Class of Fall  2015.

As a board member with the Wenatchee River Institute, I spend time attending regular board meetings, helping with strategic planning and events, and serving on the Programs committee. I spend 5-10 hours a month helping WRI further nature education in the Wenatchee Valley.

Hillary Schwirtlich earned her Wenatchee Naturalist pin for volunteering 20+hours in support of conservation, in her first year after completing the course.
Hillary Clark earned her Wenatchee Naturalist pin for volunteering 20+hours in support of conservation, in her first year after completing the course.
Gro Buer & Bruce Williams
Gro Buer & Bruce Williams
Lisi Ott
Lisi Ott
Mark Weick
Mark Weick
Annette Jouard
Annette Jouard


North Central Washington Audubon Society Board of Directors – 20+ & 100+ volunteer hours

After completing the course, these Wenatchee Naturalists have served or are currently serving on the  North Central Washington Audubon Society Board of Directors:  Monica Maxwell (Class of 2019) Jenny Graevell (Class of Spring 2012), Richard Scranton (Class of Spring 2012), & Penny Tobiska (Class of Spring 2013).

Jenny Graevell
Jenny Graevell has transformed her East Wenatchee yard into a diverse wildlife habitat - a great place for watching birds!
Richard Scranton
Richard Scranton
Penny Tobiska
Penny Tobiska

Washington Native Plant Society Wenatchee Chapter Board of Directors: 20+ & 100+ volunteer hours:

After completing the course, Wenatchee Naturalist, Linda Sarratt (Class of Spring 2013) served  on the Wenatchee Chapter WNPS  Board of Directors.

Linda Sarratt
Linda Sarratt

After completing the course, Wenatchee Naturalist, Cindy Luksus (Class of Fall 2014) joined the Wenatchee Chapter WNPS  Board of Directors and served as the Registrar for the state-wide Study Weekend held in Leavenworth, WA in June 2016.

Cindy Luksus
Cindy Luksus

Columbia Breaks Fire Interpretive Center (CBFIC) Board of Directors: 50+ & 100+ volunteer hours

After completing the course,  Wenatchee Naturalist, Christine Mallon (Class of Spring 2013)  joined and continues to serve on the CBFIC board.

Christine Mallon
Christine Mallon

Central Washington Evergreen Mountain Bike Alliance (EMBA) Board of Directors – 20+ & 100+ volunteer hours

After completing the course,  Wenatchee Naturalist, Alison Haug (Class of Fall 2013) , joined and continues to serve  on the EMBA local chapter board of directors.

Alision Haug
Alision Haug

Wenatchee Outdoors wenatchee outdoors logo

Erin Davidson- 20+ volunteer hours.  Class of Spring 2013

  • Erin Davidson developed and maintains an Instagram site for Wenatchee Outdoors and the website.

Erin Davidson earned her Wenatchee Naturalist pin for volunteering 20+hours in support of conservation.
Erin Davidson earned her Wenatchee Naturalist pin for volunteering 20+hours in support of conservation.

Ariahna Jones- 20+ 50+ volunteer hours   Class of Fall 2016

Ariahna Jones
Ariahna Jones

Volunteer Board service and acting Secretary for WenatcheeOutdoors.  Keeps the minutes,  gives valuable input, and directs actions on goals for the organization. Assists with outreach events  and enjoys working the “booths” representing the WenOut at local venues.

Pete Teigen - 20+ & 100+  volunteer hours.  Class of Fall  2015

Volunteer Board service for Wenatchee Outdoors.  Participating in regular board meetings, writing grants, assisting with fund-raisers, participating in community outreach events, and offering guidance for governance, fiscal responsibility, and strategic direction for the organization.

Pete Teigen has earned her Wenatchee Naturalist pin for volunteering 20+hours in support of conservation.
Pete Teigen has earned his Wenatchee Naturalist pin for volunteering 20+hours in support of conservation.
wenatchee outdoors logo

Friends of the Enchantments

Kathy Rivers-Shannon- 20+ & 100+ volunteer hours.  Class of Fall 2012

Kathi Rivers Shannon, along with her husband, Greg, are among those who started the Friends of Enchantments in 2015 to help protect this popular, overused area in the Alpine Lakes Wilderness. The Friends of Enchantments hosted a 40th anniversary celebration for the Alpine Lakes Wilderness and is working with the United States Forest Service on a white paper about overuse issues in the Enchantments; a trailhead naturalist program to be launched in 2017; and other educational and advocacy activities. 

Kathi Rivers-Shannon in the Enchantments
Kathi Rivers-Shannon in the Enchantments in fall, 2016