Read about the 2022 volunteers on this blog post, including:
Kirk Beckendorf

Read about the 2020 volunteers on this blog post including:
Stu Smith
Katja Rowell
Wendy Sharp
Lloyd Thompson
Patrick Bodell

Mabel Bodell – 20+ & 50+ volunteer hours (class of Fall 2017)

Cornell Lab of Ornithology Community Science Backyard Feeder Watch
Experimented with many types of backyard feeders and food types. Kept observation records of bird species use during all seasons.
Accompanied a foreign-exchange student to Chelan HawkFest and the Chelan Ridge HawkWatch International observation center.
Cathy Gaylord, Bruce Williams, & Gro Buer – 20+ & 100+ Volunteer hours (Class of Spring 2013)

Conservation Northwest
As a team of citizen scientist volunteers at several locations in the Wenatchee Mountains, constructed and maintained food lures equipped with motion-detecting cameras to gather photographs of visiting wildlife, with a focus on determining wolverine population levels, 2012-2014.

Vicki Cibicki – 20+ & 100+ volunteer hours (class of Spring 2012)

Cornell Lab of Ornithology Citizen Science eBird Program
volunteer field bird observer, recording detailed field notes and entering these into the eBird database, allowing scientists to capture accurate and timely information about bird abundance, movement, and reproduction.
Heather Murphy (course instructor) Jenny Graevell (Spring 2012), Richard Scranton (Spring 2013), Jane Zanol (Spring 2013), John Zanol (Fall 2013), Cindy Simmons (Spring 2014), Terry Leverenz (Fall 2014), & Susan Ballinger

Upper Basin Birders- U.S. Forest Service Citizen Science Project
A large number of Wenatchee Naturalists serve as volunteers for this upper Wenatchee River Watershed year-round bird survey project, lead by project coordinator, Heather A. Wallis Murphy (retired wildlife biologist, U.S. Forest Service)

Marilyn Sherling- 20+ & 100+ volunteer hours (Class of Fall 2013)

Database editing and technical problem-solving assisting the U.S. Forest Service converting 12-years of monthly bird observations from spreadsheet format into digital format for Cornell Lab of Ornithology. This Citizen Science program, Upper Basin Birders, now has 1600 bird lists entered into eBird.
Vicki Cibicki & Jenny Graevell (Spring 2012), Penny Tobiska, Richard Scanton, & Jane Zanol (Spring 2013), Marilyn Sherling (Fall 2013), Cindy Luksus, Sandra Phenning, & Bill Deters (Fall 2914), David Hillestad (Fall 2015), and Susan Ballinger (program lead)

Sagebrush Songbird Survey- WA Audubon and WA Dept. of Fish & Wildlife 5-year citizen science project
Rebecca Frank- 20+ & 100+ volunteer hours (Class of Spring 2012)

Montana Fish, Wildlife, & Parks Montana Wildlife Center
Volunteer at Helena Montana wildlife rehabilitation center during February, 2014.
Duties included assisting with the maintenance of the education birds, cleaning their individual enclosures (indoor and outdoor “housing”), feeding (feeder mice, house sparrows, European starlings, trout), and taking the birds for daily “walks. 2014”
Helen Kjobech – 20+ & 50+ Hours Service Pin

- Citizen Science Volunteer for Project Feederwatch. Observed birds using a protocol, recorded observations on a field form, and entered the data into the Cornell lab’s eBird database. Observation period runs from November-March annually.
- Helen has volunteered for 15 consecutive years for this citizen science project