Outdoor Education

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Read about the 2022 awardees on this blog post, including:

Jane Lee

Mary Austin

Elizabeth Sollie

Nancy Dunn

Karen Haire

Read about the 2020 awardees on this blog post, including:
Caroline Woolmington

Petra Swidler

Dan Wilkerson

Bob Doolittle- 20+ hours service pin Class of Fall, 2019

Bob served as a versatile education department volunteer at the Wenatchee Valley Museum and Cultural Center. Bob could be found ushering 4th graders to an activity, pouring wine for the Environmental Film Series, or hosting an activity table for a family-oriented event.

Amanda Fisher– 20+ hours service pin Class of Fall, 2017

As a ranger for Lake Wenatchee State Park, Amanda researched and designed a powerful new interpretive sign that all visitors see as they walk to the beach. Amanda used her graphic design skills to clearly identify the visible landmarks in view, connecting visitors to their geographic location in the watershed

Wenatchee State Park Interpretive Sign designed by Amanda Fisher
Wenatchee State Park Interpretive Sign designed by Amanda Fisher

Carole Ann Borshard- 20+ hours service pin Class of Fall, 2018

Carole Ann Boshard
Carole Ann Boshard

As a grandmother care-giver for a grandchild, she participates in nature exploration hikes with other families, seeking animal tracks, wildflowers, and topography to explore. 

Guides her granddaughter to observe insects and then create a habitat enclosure for a “pet” beetle.

By caring for her granddaughter, her son-in-law has been free to volunteer for CDLT trail work parties. 

John Taylor- 20+ & 50+ Volunteer hours.  Class of Fall, 2017

John Taylor
John Taylor

Volunteer educator, Wenatchee School

District Science Field Experiences

Post-fire sagebrush planting volunteer for CDLT

Event set-up volunteer for CDLT

Marjie Lodwick- 20+, 50+ Volunteer hours.  Class of Fall, 2017

Marjorie Lodwick
Marjorie Lodwick

Re-launched the USFWS Leavenworth Fish Hatchery SnowShoe Tour program with new components, volunteer recruitment, & training Inventoried and organized the in-house collection of animal study skins and hands-on materials, making it possible for community members to borrow and use the collection.

As a weekend volunteer for Friends of NW Hatcheries, she has led snowshoe hikes, trained boy scout leaders in wildlife ID, helped with bird walks, and chaperoned youth backpacking trips.

Marjie is a professional interpreter who has given outside of her paid work hours to enhance local outdoor education opportunities for all

Robin Lee- 20+ Volunteer hours.  Class of Spring, 2012

Robin Lee
Robin Lee

Volunteer educator for Leavenworth

SalmonFest and WSD Science Field Experiences

Volunteer for CDLT Family Scavenger Hunt on Earth Day

Cornell Lab’s Backyard Bird Count Community Science  volunteer

Kate Tollefson- 20+ & 100+ Volunteer hours.

Class of Spring, 2014

Kate Tollefson delivering roadkill birds to Wenatchee Valley College Biology Dept. for study skin preparation.
Kate Tollefson delivering roadkill birds to Wenatchee Valley College Biology Dept. for study skin preparation.

Kate Tollefson, as a resident of a small rural community, has volunteered in a wide variety of roles that benefit from her understanding of the Wenatchee River watershed ecosystem:

  • In addition to her paid work hours at Plain Hardware, Kate initiated and coordinates Adventure Women – a year-round outdoor activity program – and the youth Cross-country Ski Team.
  • Serves as a volunteer fire-fighter and FireWise instructor for  Lake Wenatchee Fire & Rescue.
  • Collected and delivered road-killed birds to Wenatchee Valley College’s study skin collection program.

Wenatchee Valley Museum & Cultural Center (WVMCC) Education Program

Cordi Bradburn 20+ & 100+ volunteer hours (Class of Spring 2013) 

Cordi Bradburn
Cordi Bradburn
  • Designed and created a WVMCC curriculum unit about common native birds that can be checked out by teachers as an art and science teaching trunk.
  • Using her artist talents, built and painted life-sized wooden models with accurate field marks to accurately represent each species.
One of Cordy's life-size bird models
One of Cordy’s life-size bird models

Cindy Rietveldt- 20+ & 50+ volunteer hours (Class of Fall 2014):

Cindy Rietveldt
Cindy Rietveldt

lass of Fall 2014):

Conceived the idea, gathered materials, and assisted with exhibit development at the WVMCC for Consider Becoming a Wenatchee Naturalist exhibit (Feb-June, 2015).

Lisa Robinson – 20+ & 100+ volunteer hours(Class of Fall 2013)

Volunteered as an outdoor education botany teacher for “Kids on the Columbia,” an interdisciplinary program of the WVMCC with the Wenatchee Row and Paddle Club and for the Wildfire Field Experience, the WVMCC fall 2015 outdoor education program.

Wenatchee River Institute Field Days Education

John Brandt – 20+ & 50+ volunteer hours.  Class of Spring 2013

John Brandt
John Brandt earned his Wenatchee Naturalist pin for volunteering 20+hours in support of conservation.

John Brandt volunteered as a teacher for Wenatchee River Institute field days with elementary school students.  John helped with trail work for Chelan-Douglas Land Trust at Horse Lake Preserve and Saddle Rock City Park

Annette Jouard (Class of Spring 2012) 20+ & 50+ volunteer hours

Annette Jouard
Annette Jouard

As a  “Field Day” volunteer, taught  3rd, 4th and 5th graders from Leavenworth & Cashmere schools. Annette has gathered and identified insects with 3rd graders, planted seed and led nature walks with 3rd graders, led Haiku writing and water sampling with 4th graders, and taught plant ID to 5th graders between 2012-2013.

Christine Clausen- 20+ & 50+ volunteer hours (Class of Spring 2012) 

Christine Clausen volunteered as a “field day” teacher helping with 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students and as a Leavenworth Bird Fest program volunteer.  Christine also helped with the Wenatchee School District Shrub-steppe’n Up Saddlerock 5th grade field experience and as a citizen science volunteer for Audubon Christmas Bird Count.

Elisabeth Tilstra – 20+ & 50+ volunteer hours (Class of Spring 2013)

Elizabeth Tilstra
Elizabeth Tilstra

While serving a year as an Americorps Volunteer, Elisabeth also volunteered as  a  “Field Day” teacher for 3rd, 4th and 5th graders from Leavenworth & Cashmere schools and led snowshoe winter ecology walks on weekends at Leavenworth Fish Hatchery.

Sandra Phenning- 20+ & 50+ volunteer hours (Class of Fall 2014) 

Sandra Phenning
Sandra Phenning

Sandra Phenning volunteered as a “field day” teacher helping with 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students and as a Leavenworth Bird Fest program volunteer.

David Hillestad- 20+ & 50+ volunteer hours (Class of Fall 2015) 

David Hillestad
David Hillestad

For WRI’s portable planetarium,David helped assemble, present, take down, and store planetarium materials for presentations at museums, companies, churches, and schools.

Amanda Sherling – 20+ & 100+ volunteer hours.  Class of Fall  2015

Amanda Sherling has earned her Wenatchee Naturalist pin for volunteering 100+hours in support of conservation.
Amanda Sherling has earned her Wenatchee Naturalist pin for volunteering 100+hours in support of conservation.

Amanda Sherling completed a Wenatchee Valley College cooperative learning experience at Wenatchee River Institute.  Her work included providing office support and helped to develop a new eBird project on WRI grounds.

Boy Scout Camp Bonaparte – Grand Columbia Council

Florence Robinson- 20+ volunteer hours (Class of Spring 2013)

Florence Robinson
Florence Robinson

Successfully initiated and fund-raised (including paid work in her own garden) for a scholarship that allowed an under-privileged boy to attend a 1-week Boy Scout Camp at Camp Bonaparte in summer, 2014.

Mary & Andy Robinson – 20+ volunteer hours (Class of Fall 2012)

Andy and Mary Robinson
Andy and Mary Robinson

Enrichment Center Children’s Camp Outdoor Education Program

Mary & Andy Robinson developed and led outdoor nature appreciation activities for their own  foster children and for children attended camps at the Ingalls Creek Enrichment Center.

Joseph Roy 20+ & 100+ volunteer hours (Class of Spring 2012)

Joseph Roy
Joseph Roy

Church of Brethren Summer Camp Outdoor Education Program

Joseph Led all-day outdoor natural history programs for 4th graders, teaching identification of birds, plants, trees, animal tracks, geology using journaling and sketching and detective skills.

During the summer of 2014 Carleton Complex Wildfires,  Joseph volunteered for the American Red Cross, providing immediate, on-site, professional counselling to individuals and family victims of regional wildfires that destroyed homes in North Central Washington.

Patti Milos – 20+ & 100 volunteer hours (Class of Spring 2013)

Pollinators are important!
Pollinators are important!
National Pollinator Week Display
National Pollinator Week Display

Chelan County Master Gardener Education Outreach

  • Presented pollinator and weed education display & activities at the weekly Chelan Farmers Market (2013-16)
  • C0-developed a brochure describing 50 local and easily obtained plants noting bloom time and types of beneficial insects and pollinator insects that each attract.  Created a photo display of 17 native bee species.  Initially used for Native Pollinator Week and subsequent outreach venues.

Jenny Cooper – 20+ & 50+ volunteer hours (Class of Spring 2102)

Jenny Cooper
Jenny Cooper

Salmon in the Classroom Program

Served as a volunteer biologist for Salmon in the Classroom program for 4th graders at Vale Elementary School in Cashmere. Jenny led fish dissections, taught about salmon life cycle and their habitat needs, brought in salmon eggs, and led a fingerling release into a stream.

Myrna Moody 20+ Hours Service Pin

Myrna Moody
  • 2012 & 2013 Citizen Science volunteer for Audubon’s Christmas Bird count
  • 2012-2014, volunteer guide for snowshoe tours at the Leavenworth Hatchery
  • 2013-present, volunteer leader for Wenatchee River Institute Youth Programs
  • 2017 Leavenworth Bird Fest volunteer
  • Volunteer at Salmonfest

Dan Moody 20+ Hours Service Pin

Dan Moody
Dan Moody
  • 2012 & 2013 Citizen Science volunteer for Audubon’s Christmas Bird count
  • 2012-2014, volunteer guide for snowshoe tours at the Leavenworth Hatchery
  • 2013-present, volunteer leader for Wenatchee River Institute Youth Programs
  • 2017 Leavenworth Bird Fest volunteer

Erin VanderStoep – 20+ Hours Service Pin

Erin VanderStoep
Erin VanderStoep
Okanogan Conservation District
  • Helped a Choice High School, Tonasket, WA science teacher take her students to work on a riverside improvement project with Okanogan Conservation District.
  • Assisted Choice High School Students doing trash pick-up and stream macroinvertebrate surveys.
  • Weeded at the school garden

Kathy McKenna –  20+ & 50+ Hours Service Pin

Kathy McKenna
Kathy McKenna

Kathy’s husband, Jim passed away in 2015, one year after they both took the Wenatchee Naturalist course.

Jim was a life-long lover of the great outdoors. He began in childhood hiking in the Cascades, and as an adult, enjoyed fishing and hunting in Washington and Montana. His brother, Jim, was a taxidermist who mounted many of Jim’s favorite upland birds and mammals, all hunted with a bow. He was a long-time supporter of Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, Pheasants Forever, and other non-profits in support of wildlife.

To honor Jim, the family wanted to share his collection of beautiful mounts. Kathy researched potential homes for the mounts and selected Wenatchee River Institute as the home for Jim’s collection. Future generations of children will have a chance to marvel and admire a diversity of birds of mammals when they visit WRI.