Meet the members of the Class of 2022 who did stewardship volunteering in this blog post. They include:
Chris Clark (20+ volunteer hours Class of Fall 2022
Lola Kemp (20+ volunteer hours) Class of Fall 2022

Tom Ettinger– 20+ volunteer hours Class of Fall, 2014
Tom serves as a community science volunteer for the Cascade Carnivore Project, a conservation and scientific research organization. Their mission is to promote the conservation of montane carnivores and their ecological communities through scientific research, community-based science, and collaboration. Several times each year, Tom hauls fresh meat to a remote location near Stevens Pass, and hangs it within view of a movement-triggered camera. If a wolverine feeds here, a photograph will document the visit, and allow scientists to identify an individual by its unique chest markings.

Christy Nielson- 20+ volunteer hours Class of Fall, 2018
Christy served as a North Central Washington Audubon Society community science volunteer for the Kestrel Nestbox project, under leader, Kent Woodruff. During nesting season, she made several trips on an assigned route of nesting boxes, with plans to continue volunteering in 2023. She cleaned & repaired boxes, counted any eggs or babies, and make notes about each location, following a protocol. During photography forays, she took extra time to answer questions about native birds for a farmer, a fish hatchery worker, and curious tourists.

Sherry Doolittle- 20+ & 100+ volunteer hours Class of Fall, 2018

Over 231 hours in 10 months!!
Field data recorder for cheatgrass study
Trail work party regular volunteer
Land Trust Ambassador for events, outings, and Halloween trick-or-treaters at the office.
Wenatchee Valley Museum docent and teacher for youth programs like Youth on the Columbia
Monthly volunteer host for Environmental Film Series
Betsy Dudash- 20+ & 100+ volunteer hours Class of Fall, 2018

As a volunteer professional landscape designer, developed and taught a ”designing with native plants” workshop for Cascadia Conservation District and for Earth Day.
As a Sustainable Wenatchee Board member, staffed events, taught composting workshops, and fulfilled board duties.
Working with WVC staff to get the Wenatchee campus certified as a Tree Campus USA.
Darlene Schoenwald- 20+ volunteer hours Class of Fall, 2018

Volunteered with the Methow Salmon Recovery Foundation’s Beaver Project, in Winthrop, WA. She fed and cared for beavers being held at temporary shelters. She recorded data, helped with beaver releases, and monitored sites for evidence of beaver.
Carolyn Kincade- 20+ volunteer hours Class of Fall, 2018

Attended an all-day community science training for the Sagebrush Songbird Survey (WA Audubon & WDFW)
Served as a CDLT Ambassador, assisting leaders on outings in the Wenatchee Foothills.
Participated on NCW Audubon Society field trips where observations were entered into eBird.
Martha Bean- 20+ volunteer hours Class of Fall, 2018

Serves as a Dean’s Advisory Board member for Huxley College of the Environment at Western Washington University, Martha hosts regular gatherings for graduates living in North Central Washington.
Community science volunteer for eBird projects with CDLT
Mabel Bodell- 20+, 50+, 100+ volunteer hours Class of Fall, 2017

Offered a variety of free educational events for the public through the Wild Birds Unlimited’s Wenatchee store. Her wall-mounted dissected owl pellet is a bit hit!
2018 Community science volunteer for Cornell Lab’s Project FeederWatch program for two years.
Nina Carlson- 20+ volunteer hours Class of Fall, 2017

Volunteer guide for snowshoe tours, Leavenworth National Fish Hatchery
Volunteered for two trash clean-up projects in Wayne National Forest, Ohio, with grandchildren
Year-round trash pickup on trails, where ever she is in the world on layover as a flight attendant
Taught a granddaughter about the value of big sagebrush growing at her home.
Denise Morun- 20+ volunteer hours Class of Fall, 2017

By intention, she is paying closer attention to the native plants and animals she knows. Whenever she is with someone else out-of-doors, she shares her natural history knowledge.
She actively promotes participation with Team Naturaleza! to her friends and family
Malerie Morgan- 20+ volunteer hours Class of Fall, 2017

Malerie is passionate about native medicinal & food plants of WA.
As a volunteer with The Plant Ally shop in Leavenworth, she leads collaborative plant identification walks and workshops. She discusses plant collecting ethics as part of her programs.
Corinne Bassett- 20+ volunteer hours Class of Fall, 2017

Pulls invasive baby Russian thistle weeds on daily dog walks along the Sage Hills Trails, Wenatchee Foothills.
Tom Ross- 20+& 50+ volunteer hours Class of Fall, 2017

Embarked on a multi-year native plant restoration project within Puget Sound, on 13.5 acres with 260 feet of beach, tidelands, an old farm house, regenerating conifer forest, and a creek. Tom’s goal is to leave it as a legacy property for future generations with maximum natural beauty due to functioning habitats.
Chelsea Evans- 20+, 50+ volunteer hours Class of Fall, 2017

Planted sagebrush seedlings and cleared trails for CDLT
Wrapped plants for Arbor Day distribution for two years
Captained an Eco-Challenge Team, recruiting and encouraging team members for the 2-week competition.
Art-of-Community Podcast featuring Wenatchee Naturalist program
CDLT mailing parties
Jan Meredith-Evans- 20+, 50+ volunteer hours Class of Fall, 2017

Planted sagebrush seedlings and cleared trails for CDLT
Wrapped plants for Arbor Day distribution for two years
Captained an Eco-Challenge Team, recruiting and encouraging team members for the 2-week competition.
Art-of-Community Podcast featuring Wenatchee Naturalist program
CDLT mailing parties
Jaana Hatton- 20+& 50+ volunteer hours Class of Fall 2016

Professional journalist, writing non-paid nature articles for The Good Life magazine
Thomas Rowe- 20+ volunteer hours Class of Spring, 2012

Service as a CDLT Trails Ambassador
Barbara & James Brink- 20+& 50+ & 100+ volunteer hours Classof Fall, 2017

Newly arrived to our region, they purchased 5-acres of shrub-steppe hillside and promptly began weed control and planting natives.
Their work on private land is benefiting their neighbors by reducing the spread of annual weeds. By replacing weeds with native perennials, the hillside is more resistant and resilient to wildfire.
Dave Jaecks- 20+ volunteer hours Class of Fall, 2016

Trail maintenance volunteer for CDLT and other local trail organizations
Ariahna Jones 20+ 50+ volunteer hours Class of Fall, 2013

For Wenatchee Valley College Outdoor Recreation Management Classes & for the Natural Resources & Outdoor Club, partnered with local land
managers and took students out to do fieldwork, including:
- Trail restoration with CDLT
- Trail building with Evergreen Mountain Bike Alliance
- Native plant restoration with Chelan County
- Field surveys with WDFW
Valerie & Michael Sarratt – both earning 20+ &100+ volunteer hours. Class of Spring, 2013

Wenatchee Naturalists, Valerie and Michael Sarratt, honored by Okanogan Conservation District for the conservation practices, post-wildfire. Both have earned their Wenatchee Naturalist pins for volunteering 100+hours in support of conservation.
- As Benson Creek home-owners directly impacted by the 2014 Carlton Complex wildfire and subsequent flash flood, worked in partnership with the Okanogan Conservation District to restore the riparian creek corridor.
- Awarded the 2015 Cutting Edge Cooperator for outstanding vision and implementation of innovative conservation practices
Mara Bohman- 20+ volunteer hours Class of Fall, 2013

Mara Bohman has earned her Wenatchee Naturalist pin for volunteering 20+ and 50+ hours in support of conservation.
- volunteer teacher for Wenatchee River Institute field days with elementary school students
- Researcher and writer for a blog about Columbia River natural and cultural history
- Organized a 2018 Columbia River Salmon speaker & discussion series, partnered with local conservation organizations. Coordinated speakers, wrote newspaper articles, developed flyers, and hosted 3 events in Wenatchee, Cashmere, & Okanogan.
Bill Deuters- 20+& 100+ volunteer hours Class of Fall, 2014

Bill Deuters has earned his Wenatchee Naturalist pin for volunteering 20+& 100+ hours in support of conservation, serving Chelan-Douglas Land Trust and the Washington Native Plant Society:
- researched, designed, and built 5 knapweed weeding spades, with 10 more under production in winter, 2016-17, to be donated to CDLT and WNPS in spring, 2017.
- Volunteer for trail improvement and stewardship projects for CDLT in the Wenatchee Foothills.
- Volunteer for the Conservation Committee, North Central WA Audubson Society’s field site review for the Upper Wenatchee Community Lands Project.
Hanne Beener- 20+& 100+ volunteer hours Class of Fall, 2013

In addition to her “day” job as Trails Coordinator for Chelan-Douglas Land Trust, Hanne volunteer evening and weekend hours as part of the trail crew building the 2-mile Glacier View Trail on Horse Lake Reserve. Hanne’s daughter, Marlo, was along for the ride!
Leesa Broker – 20+ volunteer hours. Class of Fall 2014

Lessa Broker volunteered doing both conservation education and stewardship for three local conservation organizations:
- Leesa earned her Wenatchee Naturalist pin for volunteering 20+hours in support of conservation.
- Helped with a wetlands restoration planting project on MEND property in Leavenworth, as a Washington Native Plant Society volunteer project
- Volunteered for Leavenworth Bird Fest
- Volunteered as a Kids-in-the-Creek field teacher for Cascadia Conservation District.
Amy Massey 20+ & 100+ volunteer hours (Class of Fall 2012):

- Wenatchee River Institute teaching volunteer for Field Days with local elementary students.
- Initiated a native plant restoration project at Wenatchee River Institute (WRI), recruited volunteers, held a series of work parties, and raised donations to transform an overgrown blackberry bramble into a native plant Garden of Gratitute to honor WRI’s founding director, Jeff Parsons.
Barbee Teasley- 20+ & 100+ volunteer hours Class of Fall 2012:

Organized, solicited donations, and implemented the 2013 & 2014 Leavenworth Earth Day Fair silent auction, which serves as a fund-raiser to support Wenatchee River Institute’s community project.
Lori Aylesworth 20+ volunteer hours Class of Spring 2012

Using Xerces Society materials, researched the natural distribution of Monarch butterflies and their native host milkweed plant in WA. Wrote an article to encourage residents to plant milkweed as a way to support monarch butterfly populations. Grew, harvested, and shared seeds with neighbors so others could cultivate milkweed.
Matt Honor – Class of Spring 2013

- Columbia River Natural & Cultural History Awareness
- Matt took the Wenatchee Naturalist course to further his knowledge base in preparation to stand-up paddleboard the Columbia River, from the source to the mouth, in the summer of 2013. In his year of preparation, Matt did all his research, logistics planning, and supply preparation.
Leona Holahan – 20+ Hours Service Pin

- Led the Link Transit NCW EcoChallenge, May 13-26, 2017, leading her team to first place rank. As a participant, implemented energy-saving measures at home, planted a home garden, and began a seed-exchange program at work.
- Added climate awareness components to Link Transit ArtLink program, presented to 1000 3rd graders annuals in 2 counties
- Participated in “Plastics-free” July
Tom Holahan – 20+ Hours Service Pin

- Co-captained the 2017 LINK Transit Eco-challenge team, promoting Earth-friendly awareness at work and in the community, a program of Climate Conversations NCW.
- Constructed backyard garden beds to convert grass into food production enabling growing all of their own produce.
- Installed energy-efficient programmable thermostat in their home.
Jill LaRue- 20+ & 50+ Hours Service Pin
Class of Fall 2014

- Trained to become a RareCare Volunteer for the University of Washington Botanic Gardens. The program monitors rare plant populations in WA
- Volunteered as a citizen scientist for the 2017 Year 3 of the Sagebrush Songbird Survey Program

Patrick Farrar 20+ & 100+ Hours Service Pin

- Volunteered with Cascadia Conservation District on a riparian planting project at Mission Creek and for a tire clean-up on the Little Chumstick Creek.
- Volunteered with The Nature Conservancy to map resources, field-check mapped features, and realign a hiking trail in Moses Coulee.
- For Washington Dept. of Fish and Wildlife, surveyed a sharp-tailed grouse lek in Swanson Lakes Wildlife Area.

Nancy Duffey – 20+ Hours Service Pin

Class of Fall 2016
- Led a neighborhood group in collaboration with Chelan County Fire District Staff to plan and apply FireWise principles to private home properties that adjoin wildlands.
- Coordinated use of heavy equipment and neighbor volunteers to cut and remove woody shrubs, reducing fuels.